
Become a Strand Theatre Business Sponsor!

Your business, center stage! Enjoy visibility for your business, advertising opportunities, AND theater perks while also demonstrating your commitment to community education, entertainment, and cultural growth through the arts!

Business Sponsorship is a great way to support the Strand Theatre – Rockland downtown’s community anchor for 100 years. We are happy to work with you to craft a custom sponsorship. Call the business office at 207-701-5053 or email Anne at anne@rocklandstrand.com.

​Friends of the Strand Theatre, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. FID# 46-3330177

Become A Sponsor
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits$500$1,000$2,500$5,000
Sponsorship decal to display at your business
Free movie and popcorn passed to share with employees or clients5101010
Logo included in Stand promotions including: on-screen preshow, website, newsletters and social media
On-screen ad6 months12 months12 months
Credited as Supporting sponsor for a program series
Complimentary tickets to sponsored series
Credited as the sole PRESENTING sponsor for a program series
VIP comp tickets to sponsored series with concessions vouchers