STRAND ON THE AIR: “What Now?” Edition

Whither thou goest? Who knows! But the STRAND ON THE AIR gang stands ready to have a few laughs along the way in their WHAT NOW Special. Join Liz McLeod and Strand Family Players Ryan Jackson, Olivia Vanner, and Brad Gunnell, and musical director Brittany Parker for a full hour of tunes and chuckles, as the courageous journalists of All Things Rescinded take a deep breath to prepare themselves for 2025, and down in Abysmal Point, Mrs. Grunden, Gertie Crummett and the gang down at the clam shack search under the refrigerator and behind the counter for some sort of common ground. And back again for their traditional year-end visit, there’ll be music from Waldo County’s own old-time-harmony duo Patty Jackson and Rusty Blake. The Strand On The Air, written and directed by Liz McLeod, is presented by the Strand Theatre in downtown Rockland!